TA in Pills - 1-8.5 - TA Script Theory 5 - Scripts and their Types - 2

TA Script Theory 5
(Script is a self authored life plan written in early childhood. It governs the general course of a person's life. It is 'directed' to achieve a life goal or script payoff. )
"Words with special meaning are marked * in text and explained in Notes"

Scripts and their Types -2

Script is a mechanism that provides a structure to live our life in accustomed ways. It can be healthy or unhealthy. It is both life promoting, goals achieving, conducive to living successfully as well as life denying, failure promoting, hurting, injuring and in the extreme hamartic*.

Eric Berne classifies scripts as being Winner, Non-Winner and Loser Scripts. They are also called Winner, Banal (Uneventful and flat), and Hamartic* or Tissue* Scripts.

  • A winner is a person who makes commitments and in the long run fulfils the commitments. A winner knows what he will do if he fails - he has a Plan B - but does not talk about it. 
  • A non-winner is a person who makes commitments, makes attempts to fulfil them, but does not quite achieve them. He is an at-leaster. He takes comfort from saying that he at least tried. A non-winner is an excellent home-maker and lives a quiet life. Berne says that non-winners are excellent employees, they are quiet surviving business persons and traders. They are loyal, hardworking, and grateful. They do not cause any nuisance or trouble around. 
  • A loser is a person who make grandiose plans, thinks a lot about what they would do when they win. They have no failure plans or recovery plans to get over failure. 
There are winners and losers in all walks of life - householders, employees, workers, business persons and traders, sports persons, actors, politicians, members of underworld and criminals. It does not depend on what they do, it depends on how they conduct themselves and achieve their final goal. There are winners who live successfully in the worst of situations. There are losers who fail to live successfully in the best of situations.
  • Winners do good to themselves and to the extent possible to others as well. Losers cause most grief to themselves as well as to others. 
  • Winners learn from mistakes, and take care not to repeat them. Losers don't. 
  • Winners are confident of themselves and tread with care all the way. Losers are over confident of themselves and are mostly opportunists who have patterns of rise and fall in their lives.
  • Winners have an installed programme that tells them to do right things, at the right time, the right way, for right reasons. They may violate law. They do so within bounds of limits. Losers are persons who are prompted to take chances, they want to make a fast buck or gain too fast and over look the obvious pitfalls. 
  • Winners have a good constraints management programme in place. Losers think they can find a way, manage worst case scenarios but fail at the moment when they have to put them to work.
Here are some examples of winners and losers from many occupations.

  • A winner householder fulfils his responsibilities sanely and has enough to tide over difficult times. A loser householder is always on tenterhooks - though he may have plenty.
  • A winner spouse makes amends in his / her relationship and makes it work life long. A loser spouse struggles with broken relationships and if they  happen retain, they have a bumpy road journey going.
  • A winner business person or trader conducts his business sanely, rises gradually and maintains stability during good times and bad. A loser business person is sometimes overflowing in funds and is sometimes in bad debt. He borders on being declared insolvent.
  • A winner criminal conducts himself from behind the screen and is clear of being caught by law agencies or put behind bars. A loser criminal has a life style of being inside and outside lock-ups and jails. 

This blog comes from Ajit Karve from Pune. I am a qualified TA Practitioner. I specialise in using TA for personal growth, personal development, personal effectiveness and for transformational change. I can be reached on +919822024037. Please feel free to seek clarifications by writing to me on ajitpkarve@gmail.com or taforyouandme@gmail.com

A request: Please take time out to write a comment.


*HamarticCausing tissue damage. Serious injuries to body and mind. Addictions of a variety of types. Abuse and criminal activities. These are all manifestations of Hamartic Scripts.
*Tissue Script: Harming body, mind, heart or soul. Besides the known ones addictions and substance abuse are also tissue scripts.
*Injunction: A court decree that asks the parties to maintain status quo or not to do anything in the matter.  It is a negative message stored in our personality structure that gets activated spontaneously and stops us in our path from engaging in otherwise useful activities. 

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  1. Wiinner make sure that he wins and plan to win. It is all in the mind. From cricket anolgy the wiiner team captain come to win the other team is not winning strategy but how to defend. It is all a mind game and work towards that.

  2. All
    Script blog all are ,,🙂👌


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