
Showing posts from March, 2018

Transformational Transactional Analysis - Triological Self Therapy

Transformational Transactional Analysis (A Triological Approach to implementing Self-Therapy in Transactional Analysis) It aims to diffuse stress instead of moving to script to deal with it. It teaches us methods to be loving and friendly toward one and all. It provides what person really means (self) when we do separate person from behaviour. It affords enjoying the moment again and again. It helps becoming meditative. It helps being focused. It tells what to do when faced with SPDCCCs. It tells how to tone down emotions to feelings and deal with feelings. It gives specific methods to use reality principle. It empowers the Adult. It tones down the Persecuting Parent. It enlivens the Free Child. It helps to be happy and joyful like a three to six year old child. It helps to make amends. It helps to say genuinely sorry without either being or becoming sorry. It helps to defuse hurt relationships and return them to norm