
Showing posts from 2018

Transformational Transactional Analysis - Triological Self Therapy

Transformational Transactional Analysis (A Triological Approach to implementing Self-Therapy in Transactional Analysis) It aims to diffuse stress instead of moving to script to deal with it. It teaches us methods to be loving and friendly toward one and all. It provides what person really means (self) when we do separate person from behaviour. It affords enjoying the moment again and again. It helps becoming meditative. It helps being focused. It tells what to do when faced with SPDCCCs. It tells how to tone down emotions to feelings and deal with feelings. It gives specific methods to use reality principle. It empowers the Adult. It tones down the Persecuting Parent. It enlivens the Free Child. It helps to be happy and joyful like a three to six year old child. It helps to make amends. It helps to say genuinely sorry without either being or becoming sorry. It helps to defuse hurt relationships and return them to norm

About Ajit Karve and Transformational Transactional Analysis

Introduction of the Blogger and Overview of Purpose List of Blogs This is me My name is Ajit Karve. I operate out of Pune in Maharashtra, India. I am Transactional Analysis Practitioner. I qualified from the Institute of Counselling and Transactional Analysis, Kochi, India in 2007.  I am the originator of Transformational Transactional Analysis. Transformational Transactional Analysis is a modified form of Transactional Analysis. The  Concepts and Ideas are restated so as to be easily understood and used in a Self Help Mode. One does not need to painstakingly learn and practice transactional analysis over two or more years to qualify to use it in the self help mode. Four sessions is all it takes for one to understand the concepts and ideas of Transformational Transactional Analysis and to put them to use right away. I am a graduate in Science from the Mumbai University (1971), a holder of a  'Interpretership in Arabic' degree from the School of Foreign

Blogs on Transformational Transactional Analysis

Blogs on Transformational Transactional Analysis Sr.             Date                                      Topic of Blog No.                                     and Link _________________________________________________________________ 01.     24.02.2018                About Ajit Karve and Transformational Transactional Analysis  

2.4 TA in Pills 'Script Limiting System'

Script Limiting System  for List of TA Blogs) "Words with special meaning are marked * in text and explained in Notes" We experience a number of challenges when we are boxed by limiting beliefs. We can gain freedom from limiting beliefs by leaving the limiting beliefs behind us and living our life free of limiting beliefs. The method to do this is what I call transformation. It is pictured below: Limiting beliefs are generated by script. Script is largely structured by script beliefs and associated script feelings. These keep stoking the fire of script from within the psychic organisation. Our perceptual, evaluating, attitudinal, action frames are structured by our script definitions.  Getting script definitions revealed is a long process requiring exploration. An easier way to achieve freedom is transformational activity. Transformational activity comprises: Creating a gap to generate a now; Leaving the past along with the script behind;  A

2.3-2 TA in Pills - Injunctions and Drivers 2

Injunctions and Drivers 2  for List of TA Blogs) (Injunction is an inhibiting don't message ) (Drivers are compulsive behaviours) "Words with special meaning are marked * in text and explained in Notes" We have seen in the previous blog  Click Here   that there are eight components of script apparatus.  Of these, three are script controls. They control one's script behaviour. Injunction is one of the three controls that drives or pushes the script. Driver is incorporated later on. It is a prescription. While injunctions are inhibiting, Drivers are compulsive and manifest as behaviours.  Injunctions Injunctions are unfair negative commands.  They are 'prohibitory' messages. They are either installed as parental directives or self installed as in 'inferring' what parents mean to communicate (non verbally). They work at somatic level because they are installed before we have words. We may not know that they exist till we

2.3-1 TA in Pills - Injunctions and Drivers 1

Injunctions and Drivers 1  for List of TA Blogs) (Injunction is an inhibiting don't message ) (Drivers are compulsive behaviours) "Words with special meaning are marked * in text and explained in Notes" Children do not take meaning literally. They have a gift of attaching meaning to what is said in the context it was said in the moment. What sense they attach to it is converted into personalisation. These two ideas are briefly explained here: Meaning:  The word 'meaning' has six meanings.  To know in detail Click Here   (1)  Linguistic:  as is communicated through the use of language; (2)  Non-linguistic:  as is communicated by the senses of the words, independent of its linguistic uses; (3)  Philosophical:  The way 'meaning of a word' is discussed in philosophy.  (4)  Psychological:  As it pertains to knowledge and understanding (5)  Semiotic:  As elaborated through he use of signs. (6)  Existential:  As it concerns the meaning of life. Sc

TA in Pills 2-2 - 5 Discounting - Symbiosis

Discounting - Symbiosis  for List of TA Blogs) (Symbiosis is a condition in which two persons share personality structural components  ) "Words with special meaning are marked * in text and explained in Notes" Symbiosis Personality is modelled in Transactional Analysis using ego states as its building blocks. There are three types or categories of ego states*. They are: Parent - Borrowed, Learnt, Taught Ego States. They are historical and sourced from one's parents and significant parent figures. Adult - Contemporary Ego States. Ego States of adulthood times.  Child - Historical Ego States dating back from one's own childhood and teenage years. Personality aids in perception, evaluation, assessment and response to reality situations. An ego state in the 'executive' determines the nature of response based on the remaining three factors. A full complement of the three ego states are not available to a growing child. The growing child is depen

TA in Pills 2-2 - 4 Discounting - Thinking Disorders

Discounting - Thinking Disorders (Click here for List of TA Blogs) (A thinking disorder is marked by dysfunctional thinking ) "Words with special meaning are marked * in text and explained in Notes" Thinking Disorders Over-detailing and generalisation are two types of thinking disorders. These show up in speech and writing.  Over-detailing:  In over-detailing the person uses unnecessary details to convey information. In grammar it is called using redundants. An example: "Actually what I want to tell you, and I should have told you this yesterday, is that I am not coming tomorrow." Instead of "Sir, I am not coming tomorrow".  Generalisation:  Generalisation is displayed when something related to one is viewed or conveyed to be of many. For example: If one person or a few persons do not follow traffic rules I say: "the traffic is chaotic because people do not follow traffic rules." Thinking disorders also show up as escalations