About Ajit Karve and Transformational Transactional Analysis

Introduction of the Blogger
and Overview of Purpose

This is me

My name is Ajit Karve. I operate out of Pune in Maharashtra, India. I am Transactional Analysis Practitioner. I qualified from the Institute of Counselling and Transactional Analysis, Kochi, India in 2007. 

I am the originator of Transformational Transactional Analysis. Transformational Transactional Analysis is a modified form of Transactional Analysis. The  Concepts and Ideas are restated so as to be easily understood and used in a Self Help Mode. One does not need to painstakingly learn and practice transactional analysis over two or more years to qualify to use it in the self help mode. Four sessions is all it takes for one to understand the concepts and ideas of Transformational Transactional Analysis and to put them to use right away.

I am a graduate in Science from the Mumbai University (1971), a holder of a  'Interpretership in Arabic' degree from the School of Foreign Languages, New Delhi (1978), a Bachelors in Transactional Analysis from the Institute of Counselling and Transactional Analysis, Kochi, India (2007), and a Certified Trainer in Positivity, from Genie Club, Pune (2013). On the sidelines I have attended certified Basic courses in NLP and in Graphology. I am a skilled DIY Enthusiast.

My career life started working with the Government of India (1971-1995). I was assigned to work in Indian missions abroad (1980-1993). I am conferred the prestigious Indian Police Medal for Meritorious Service (1993). I joined my friend's Group Company - Trimurti Group, Pune soon after retiring voluntarily from Government Service and rose to be its executive head. I specialised in Land Acquisition, Land Development and Construction during my stint with this group. I worked there from 1995 to 2007. 

I learnt Transactional Analysis with V.V. John, the local TA Trainer from Pune. My primary trainer and guru is none other than the renowned 'Father of TA in India', Father George Kandathil SJ, President of ICTA, Kochi. I also studied TA with Sashi Chandran, TSTA founder of Nitya Gurukula, Coimbatore. I qualified as a TA Practitioner from ICTA, Kochi, India (2007). I established Asha Institute in Pune in 2007.  I established this institute with the objective of spreading TA across masses. It has taken me these twelve years to learn TA in depth. I am now  ready to spread TA to the masses through blogs, YouTube videos, android apps and books. I have founded the new avatar of Transactional Analysis which I call Transformational Transactional Analysis (TTA). 

I have come to understand that people learn TA for either obtaining a certificate to add to their profile or to use it to: train others or treat others or as consultants or in their professional practice or to put it to practice to live a better life. Transformational Transactional Analysis is focused to use the concepts and ideas of Transactional Analysis in the self-help mode. This practice helps people for Personal Growth, Personal Development, Personal Effectiveness and Personal Transformation. What these terms mean are explained below:

  • Growth: We soak pulses around noon. We then wrap them up in a moist cloth for the night. They sprout by noon the next day. This is what I mean by growth. There is a latent capacity in the seeds to sprout and grow into plants. They sprout when the necessary environment is provided to the seeds. Physis is the latent capacity in all of us to grow and to develop.  A healthy personality structure results when the positive aspects of the Child, Adult and Parent ego states are activated. Such a healthy personality structure helps structuring responses to a host of reality situations that crop up day in and day out all our life.

  • Development: Farmers are seen raking up soil, engaging in de-weeding, and watering crops in fields. Doing this with ourselves is what I mean by development. To implement TA we first accept flaws, in fact get others to expose our flaws, and work to get rid of them systematically. Development is achieved by incorporating the useful and helpful aspects into personality without focusing on the undesirable qualities in us. These by using healthy ego states, freedom from three types of dysfunctional transactions, stroke accounting, ending games, freedom from rackets, and of course freedom from being script ridden.

  • Effectiveness: Berne gives the example of a dentist. A dentist's assistant is capable of implementing most dental procedures he observes the dentist do. However, he is incapable of handling situations if a patient becomes breathless or faints in the chair. Berne thereby differentiates between being efficient and being effective. The dentist's assistant may be efficient but not effective. Becoming capable of handling difficult situations, becoming adept in constraints and disaster management, adopting a system and method controlled self management system, being professional at work are the rewards TA practice awards its practitioners.

  • Transformation: Transformation is marked by a shift in beliefs, values, principles, perceptual frames and attitudes. A transformed person is a new person as opposed to a reformed person whose habits change but nothing much changes at the core. I have developed a three pronged approach for effecting transformation. One is generating a 'now' to experience a mind free of thinking, feeling, emotions, rackets and thought engagements. Two is to practice 'patiently delaying, waiting and postponing whenever we are trapped by urges, drives and impulses. Three is a seven level X six mode self therapy to heal the triggers that activate script. 

  • Personality Development: TA addresses personality development from two perspectives. One is to explain how we have come to possess the personality structure that controls, manages and gets us to experience and express our thinking, feeling, opinions, perceptions and to respond to people, events, situations, problems, difficulties, conditions and challenges. The other is to present personality development as re-organising the existing structure and strengthening the healthy response structural components (healthy ego states) to come to possess an effective personality. 
  • Transformational Transactional Analysis blogs, videos, posts and books present TA theory in its new avatar.

    The goal is to help every individual desirous of living life in new ways to achieve his or her aspiration:
    • Economy in terms of time, cost and relief of pain;
    • Curing first, analysing later that too if necessary and inevitable;
    • Providing lasting relief instead providing insights to get better;
    • Provide readers with curative procedures with less emphasis on learning and education;
    • Being effective along with being efficient and not doing the latter at the cost of the former;
    My competency comes from running the self therapy process myself. I have also worked out formulations which help in self therapy without going through the  process of experimentation with this simple, yet elegant theory. 

    I wish readers well, cheer and every success in their enterprise.   


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