Understanding the role of Cybernetics and Homoeostasis in the context of Script

11. Cybernetics, Homoeostasis and Script

Abstract: Cybernetics as a controlling and regulating mechanism in the context of script is first explained. Then Cybernetics as it concerns communication is presented. This blog ends by first mentioning how script maintains its  homoeostasis  and then by explaining how cybernetics aids maintaining homoeostasis of script.

Cybernetics is a study of regulatory systems. Hero a Greek Engineer dating back from the first century CE (All about Hero) is credited to be the great grandfather of cybernetics. He built a steam engine which was not put to commercial use. It is James Watt who in 1788 used a centrifugal governor (James Watt and Centrifugal Governor) to control the speed of his steam engine. A household example of a cybernetic controller is the valve on top of the steam cooker. Avid enthusiasts are invited to look up cybernetics in Wikipedia at (Cybernetics - History and Areas of Application). 

We may look at cybernetics in the context of script from many perspectives.  

The Script Promoting and Sustaining Mechanisms: 

Study of our Life Plan: Berne defines script as a life plan that directs a person's life to achieve a chosen alternative - the script payoff. (Berne E. What Do You Say After You Say Hello - Entry in Glossary). The book examines in depth the formation, progress and culmination of script. This helps us to examine and study the nature of script. 

Study of Personality Structures: The script mechanism establishes a personality structure that responds to stimuli in its service in given ways. We can study the personality structures that direct our life to the script goal by studying the activated ego states.

Study of Psychopathology: The script goal  'engineers' responses to stimuli. This it does by imposing mechanisms of structural pathology - contamination, exclusion and constancy to ensure that major portions of perception, evaluation, interpretation is affected if not seriously crippled.  

Study of Structuring of Time: Time is spent by us in racket thinking; in stamp generation; in suffering the pangs of insult, hurt, pain, injury, isolation, embarrassment, victimisation and the like;  in blaming, justifying, and enjoying grandiosity during cross-up in game; in game engagements; This study helps to understand how script is maintained cybernetically through the agency of these mechanisms.

Study of specific types of transactions - transference reactions, counter-transference reactions, exasperating responses and impudence; duplex transactions; redefining transactions; flip-flop transactions that inadvertently constitute the switch in game; their study helps in understanding how script is maintained.

Study of stroking patterns, stroking profile and stroke bank: This study helps to understand how stroking is engineered to steer life and living to service the nees of the script goal. 

Study of symbiotic associations and co-dependency The study of these mechanisms help to understand how script uses associations in collaborative modes to achieve script objectives. 

Cybernetics and Communication: The relevance of cybernetics in the context of communication is highlighted by Berne in his 1953 article titled "Concerning the Nature of Communication". Berne mentions that in human beings: (1) A precise message is psychologically inconceivable; (2) The psychological information increases with the increase in intrinsic noise; (3) Human beings seem to call successfully on the future to influence the past;  Here he points out that from the receiver's point of view, information can be defined as as what he advertently (Meaning of Advertently)desires and intends to receive and noise as what he inadvertently receives without desiring or intending to receive. This may perhaps explain how the  unintended content may in a way constitute the ulterior content in transactions. And, through this modem further script using games.

Homoeostasis: Wikipedia defines homoeostasis to be the stable  condition of an organism and of its internal environment. It is also says that it is the mechanism that helps maintain and regulate the stable condition or its equilibrium. Script can also be viewed as maintaining its homoeostasis to aid survival in a predetermined fashion. The cybernetic components of homoeostasis are the mechanisms that go to service such maintenance.

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Ajit Karve
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