How Does Transactional Analysis Reward its Practitioners - Life Scripts

Understanding Script 1

Abstract: We are happy, contented and at peace with ourselves, others and circumstances of life so long as our survival is assured. We are however subjected to forces of manipulation that originate in us, in others, by outcomes of our interactions with others, and by events and circumstances thrown up in the environment. Life is liveable and does not cause concern or worry as long as our survival is not threatened. Every recall, event, occurrence, interaction does in some way connect to perceived threat to survival. Experience of threat to survival has been in place from the moment of our birth. A programme that helps us to do this is Life Script or simply Script. This blog helps us to understand Script in a non-literary way.

Berne says that we human beings are tamed animals (Berne E. What do you say after you say Hello Chapter 4). He says that almost all animals from worms upward can be trained psychologically . . . to go through new and special patterns of behaviour. Tamed animals behave as per their master's wishes even when he is away. Berne adds to say that Script is planted in the head at an early age by 'his' parents, and stays there for the rest of his life, even after their vocal 'flesh' has gone forevermore. Script brings out responses in a planned order long after the person who punched the holes has departed. As we proceed living our life almost every significant event, interaction, situation back connects to a perceived threat to survival. The existing mechanism that helps us to survive is Script. I choose to add a proviso. It is this. Yes parental programming is the main contributor to structuring of the script mechanism. As yet the manner in which we choose to add 'meaning' reflecting on our 'worth and self-esteem', our perception of the other (in the image of our 'parent') and our entitlement as to quality of life, innocently, inadvertently and in a non-deliberate manner, generate the critical elements of the Script. 

Berne also says that we human beings are a colourful energy system. Like every energy system human beings too seek to be in a state of equilibrium. Energy off-balance, or tension shows itself physically and mentally (emotionally and psychologically as well). What human beings are doing is trying to act in such a way at every moment as to try to relieve their strongest tension by gratifying their dearest wish. (extracted from Berne E. The Mind in Action Chapter 2)  This surely is a ineffective method. What we need to do is to delay gratification. 

The system called Script finds itself placed in the psychic 'memory' system by the time we are seven years old. This according to me is a 'early Parent' - 'early Child' controlling system. The 'Adult' is either heavily contaminated or excluded. It is therefore rendered non operational. Script has its own homoeostasis and maintains it. It does so in the belief that it will provide and promote survival. This system becomes the prominent controlling system if it is not replaced by a repeatedly updated Adult dominant system with Permissive Parent and Acquiescent Child  supporting it. The Adult dominant system has a chance to gain a controlling role when we wait, when we are patient and when we delay a urge-drive-impulse dominant response to be released. This is also granted when we give ourself the permission and the power to generate esteem, love and affection for the person part in us and in others and deal with the functioning scripty personality in isolation.

This is a blog by:
Ajit Karve


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  1. That was a great read Sir..... Would also like to know how one can get rid of their scripty behaviour and live a scriptfree life

  2. Well described article especially the activation of Adult that delay urge-drive-impluse. Thereby help us to reduce the script mechanisms within us.

  3. It is a very good read. Gives insights to various patterns inside us.

  4. Insightful read..i believe it is important to master the distinction between the person and personality, only then can one achieve a script free life..the true meaning of living in the here and now!


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