TA in Pills - 1-2 - Why Should One Learn Transactional Analysis

Why Should One Learn Transactional Analysis (TA)

We grow into adulthood without necessarily updating the psychological get-up of our mind. We may therefore use accustomed methods of ending situations and solving problems. These may not be effective. Here are some of the ways in which we may stand to benefit by learning Transactional Analysis.

  Better self-management;
  Better other person management;
  Improved quality of interacting;
  Improved relationships at home, at work, in society and generally;
  Professional approach in working styles;
  Living life in rewarding ways;

Good Self Management: Self management means taking responsibility for getting our needs met and for our well being. We are called upon to deal with events, tasks, people, needs, wants, responsibilities in various roles and ceaseless mind engagements. Nothing is likely to change by hoping against hope that things, people, conditions of life will change for the better. TA helps us to know the distinction between I, self and me. It helps to generate the best orientation to deal with life issues effectively, on the go.

Other Person Management: We expect others to think, understand, do, perform and act to meet our expectations. We generally face challenges in dealing with others at home, on the road, in travel, in our work place and in society. We are also called upon by others to come up to their expectations of us. TA helps us to distinguish between person and behaviour. It helps us to like, respect, have regard for, accept and appreciate people including ourselves as persons. It helps us to deal with behaviour in isolation safely and maturely. It grants us freedom from rescuing, persecuting and victimizing others. It also grants us freedom from being subject to persecution and victimization at the hands of others.

Quality of Interacting: Non verbals constitute 93 percent of communication. Non-verbals more often than not distort the content of communication without our conscious awareness. A marked change in the quality of communication and interacting is achieved by repairing the attitude control system. TA affords bringing about this change.

Improved relationships: Relationships are based on give and take. It is rare that people may be trained to build rewarding relationships. Relationships are built by healthy relating. This is achieved by recognizing that I am I, and you are you. We need not agree with each other. Our views, opinions, needs and objectives may be different. As yet we can together achieve our common objectives. TA helps to build rewarding relationships, heal broken relationships, be asserting without being aggressive and be synergyzing with all.

Professional Approach: By practicing TA, our working style undergoes phenomenal change. Work management, task management, team management, time management, delegating work, getting everyone to contribute in achievement becomes the norm in professional practice. A systematic, methodical, professional, informed approach becomes second nature by learning TA.

Living Life in rewarding ways: TA practice rewards excellence in managing mind talk, emotional hijacks, freedom from hurt, pain, insult, embarrassment, guilt, jealousy, dislike, hatred, resentment, loneliness, isolation, feeling sidelined, being losing out, anxiety, distress, behavioural aberrations, confusion, indecision, mental conflicts and dilemmas, procrastination, missing out on deadlines and many other. As a result persons are able to live their lives at peace with themselves, at peace with others and with situations, challenges problems, difficulties and surprises of life.

This blog comes from Ajit Karve from Pune. I am a qualified TA Practitioner. I specialize in using TA for personal growth, personal development, personal effectiveness and for transformational change. I can be reached on +919822024037. Please feel free to seek clarifications by writing to me on ajitpkarve@gmail.com or taforyouandme@gmail.com. A request: Please take time out to write a comment. 

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