Five Contributory Factors that go to generate Script - A Suitable Personality Development

Understanding Script

Abstract: The second of the five contributory factors that go to generate script namely 'a suitable personality development) is explained.

Berne mentions five contributory factors go to generate script  -  (1) Parental directives (2) A suitable personality development  (3) A childhood decision (4) A real turn-on to a particular method of success or failure and (5) A convincing attitude or a credible stance . (Berne E. What Do You Say After You Say Hello - Chapter 3) The topic of  Parental directives has been covered in a previous blog (click here for link : Parental Directives.) The second contributory factor - A suitable personality development is now explained.

Script is a life plan that is self-installed. The same person responds differently to a person, thing, situation or problem depending upon the time, place, event, reason, circumstances, conditions prevailing in the moment. The person's mood, temperament and state of mind are also contributory factors. Personality comprises a set of ruling compulsions and limitations that structure one's attitude, perception, thinking, feeling, evaluation, response and behaviour. 

Script is installed in childhood usually when the child is 3 to 6 years of age. It is during this period that the child is battling to win the tug of war with its care takers in clearing the Identity Stage of development per Cycles of Human Development (See Seasons of Life Seasons of Life - Interview of Pamela Levine). The child is clearing the task of building its authority and freedom boundaries that will structure its orientation toward self, significant others and life generally. It is also during this period that hectic brain development is in progress. Myelination and synaptogenesis are the two neurological processes at their peak. The child is learning to evaluate reality in new ways. It engages in attaching meaning and reaching conclusions leading to script decisions. (See personalization in my blog of 10th Jan 2018 under (Personalization). These factors are also highlighted by Jacqui Schiff (Schiff J. Cathexis Reader - Chapter Four Child Development).

I view that all these factors put together constitute a suitable personality development. It is so because they together make the child most amenable to generate the life plan - Script. 

The next contributory factor - a childhood decision - will be covered in the next blog.

This is a blog by:
Ajit Karve


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