TA in Pills - 1-5.2 - TA Theory of Transactions 2

TA Theory of Transactions 2
(Transactions represent the need to interact with others.)
(for * see notes at end of this blog)

Transactions are units of social interaction. They help people in recognising each other, in establishing a connect with one another and in hosting communication between them. Transactions help in exchanging a commodity. The commodity is stroke. Therefore the impact of transactions is dependent on the strength, quality and impact of strokes they deliver. This is an important difference between an interaction and a transaction. A transaction comprises a transactional stimulus and a transactional response. Therefore a transaction is a transaction if and only if ego states are involved. As an example: "Something is happening there." is not a transaction. But "Look, something is happening there." is a transaction.

Simple Transactions: There are two types of simple transactions. They are complementary transactions and crossed transactions.

Complementary Transactions: The stimulus and response vectors are parallel in complementary transactions. Nine types of complementary transactions are possible - P- P, A-A, C-C, P-A, A-P, P-C, C-P, A-C and C-A.* The ego state addressed is the one that responds. The response is directed to the ego state that initiated the transaction. Example: Stimulus: P-C "Rohit come here." Response: C-P "Yes mom, I am coming."

Crossed Transactions: The stimulus and response vectors are crossed in crossed transactions. Example: Stimulus: P-C "Rohit come here." is responded by Response P-C "Why should I. I am busy". Crossed transactions result in a lull in the interaction. One of the parties experiences being confronted, insulted, slighted or embarrassed. Seventy two types of crossed transactions are mathematically possible.

Complex Transactions:  Complex transactions have ulterior content. Their social content (the social message) and the psychological content (implied or ulterior message) are not identical. For example: "It is nine." may mean - (1) "Why are you late." or (2) "See you have kept us waiting." or (3) "Is this the time to come." or (4) "Where were you all this time." Complex transactions are either duplex or angular.

Duplex Ulterior Transactions: In duplex ulterior transactions there are two complementary social transactions and two complementary implied transactions. For example: An A to A stimulus is responded by a A to A response at social level and a corresponding P to C stimulus is responded by a C to P response at psychological level. "It is nine." ("Is this the time to come.") is responded by "I regret. It is nine." (The response is accompanied by a lowered glaze, hunched back and expression of shame meaning "I am sorry for keeping you waiting.")

Angular Ulterior Transactions: In this type of transaction there is a pair of stimuli. One from A to A and another from A to C. The response is from C to A. The response is a congruent message. Example: Salesman says this to the customer. "Sir, this is the best watch." ("It may not be one that you can afford." - psychological message). Customer responds : "I will buy this one."

This blog comes from Ajit Karve from Pune. I am a qualified TA Practitioner. I specialise in using TA for personal growth, personal development, personal effectiveness and for transformational change. I can be reached on +919822024037. Please feel free to seek clarifications by writing to me on ajitpkarve@gmail.com or taforyouandme@gmail.com. A request: Please take time out to write a comment.


P, A and C: P, A and C are short for Parent, Adult and Child ego states.

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