TA in Pills - 1-3.1 - TA Theory of Personality 1

TA Theory of Personality -1
(We are victims of our nature. Nature is structured by activated personality structures.)
(for * see notes at end of this blog)

Personality is modelled in Transactional Analysis using ego states* as its building blocks. Ego states are psychic entities. There are three types or categories of ego states. They are named Parent, Adult and Child*. Each of these is a collective noun like group or crowd. Though they are used in singular they refer to very many ego states of the same type. They are written first letter capitalised when the words parent, adult and child are used to represent ego states.

Understanding features of ego states:

Each of the ego states are characterised by:

1) related patterns of thinking, feeling, attitude and behaviour;
2) manner of perception, evaluation, assessment and response;

The personality of a Parent* Ego State dominant person displays characteristics similar to the person's parents.

The personality of an Adult* Ego State dominant person displays characteristics of a grown up, thought occupied, mature, objective, rational and logical person.

The personality of a Child* Ego State dominant person displays childlike characteristics.

Parent ego states are externally sourced. Their historical epoch* is of one's childhood and teenage years. Their characteristics are learnt, taught or copied. Adult ego states are contemporary. They are continually updated in a healthy person. Child ego states re-played characteristics of one's own childhood and teenage times. Therefore their historical epoch is of childhood and teenage years.

These ego states are identified as structural ego states.

The descriptive aspects of these ego states are called functional ego states. Functional ego states are named based on their behavioural manifestations*.

Behaviour: By behaviour is meant observable behaviour. It is noticed by the way a person speaks or verbally expresses himself / herself; and by way of facial and bodily expressions, gesticulations, stance, posture and pose.

Functional Ego States: 

A functional Parent may be persecuting, controlling, nurturing or rescuing.

A functional Adult may be data collecting, data assessing or data evaluating.

A functional Child may be adapting*, complying, rebelling or un-restrained.

Structural and Functional Pathology: Many a time we are confused, indecisive, struggling, in a dilemma* or experiencing conflict. It happens when Parent and or Child influence, disable or incapacitate the Adult. In the topic of pathology* an explanation is offered to show how it affects a person's capacities.

Energy Theory: The energy theory explains how and why one or two or all three ego states become activated. It also explains how our personality becomes one or two or three ego state dominant. It also tells us how we can gain control over our personality activation.

This blog comes from Ajit Karve from Pune. I am a qualified TA Practitioner. I specialize in using TA for personal growth, personal development, personal effectiveness and for transformational change. I can be reached on +919822024037. Please feel free to seek clarifications by writing to me on ajitpkarve@gmail.com or taforyouandme@gmail.com. A request: Please take time out to write a comment.

adapting: suitable for survival and relieving stress;
dilemma: a state of mind in which a difficult choice has to be made between alternatives which are equally undesirable.
ego state: ego state is the unit of day's experience that gets recorded in memory. It has three components thinking, feeling and belief. The belief is about one's view of oneself, significant other/s and the quality of life entitlements. These can be recovered in special circumstances. They influence a person's attitude, perception, evaluation and assessment of reality. 
epoch : a particular period of a person's life or a stage of development.
manifestation: the way something abstract or theoretical shows up.
Parent, Adult and Child: these are names for the three types or categories of ego states.
pathology: is a method for understanding the reactions of living organisms to injury. It helps to understand disease and defence mechanisms better.

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