TA in Pills - 1-3.3 - TA Theory of Personality 3

TA Theory of Personality 3
(We are victims of our nature. Nature is structured by activated personality structures.)
(for * see notes at end of this blog)

How does study of TA Theory of Personality help us in Living Life

Any person, animal, thing, situation, problem, difficulty, condition, challenge, conflict, event, occurrence, incidence, happening whether actual or imagined that affects us is 'Reality'.

Reality generates a reality situation. We ourselves are at times generators of reality situations.

The challenging task is to end reality situations sanely, safely and effectively. 

We generally have three methods to resolve reality situations. (1) By implementing reality principle (2) By implementing pleasure principle and (3) By implementing passivity.

Reality Principle enables us to wait, assess, evaluate and then act.

Pleasure Principle coaxes, urges us to act impulsively.

Passivity results in inaction, inappropriate action or ineffective action.

In order to act by using the reality principle we need to use Reality Testing.

Reality Testing The Adult component of personality enables us to use age appropriate, adult capacities to assess and evaluate reality. This is possible by testing the subjective reality on the touchstone of objective reality. 

We therefore need to have an empowered Adult to deal with reality situations sanely, safely and effectively. Adult is empowered in two ways. One is by installing a non-punitive*, permissive Parent and an acquiescent* Child. And, two is by waiting, being patient and postponing any action. 

We do nothing with the car when it malfunctions. So also we do nothing with a washing machine when it vibrates. We look at the machine in it, not the vehicle or equipment. Similarly personality is the machine that runs a person. We need to look at the defects in personality if there is any problem with the functioning of the person. There are unlimited types of problems. Most of them are related to patterns of thinking, emotional disturbances, affected mind states, coping problems, accommodation problems, adjustment problems, behavioural problems and characterological*dysfunctionalities*. Others are motivation, temperament, mood related. Still others are related to addictions, habits, substance abuse, aggressiveness, accident prone-ness, tendency to be abusive, relationships related and other similar. A good mechanic is able to trace a problem in a vehicle or equipment accurately and quickly and resolve it effectively at an affordable cost. A good therapist does the same with a person. 

Personality Development is the process of installing a robust, strong, empowered effective personality.

Transactional Analysis helps in building such a personality.

This blog comes from Ajit Karve from Pune. I am a qualified TA Practitioner. I specialize in using TA for personal growth, personal development, personal effectiveness and for transformational change. I can be reached on +919822024037. Please feel free to seek clarifications by writing to me on ajitpkarve@gmail.com or taforyouandme@gmail.com. A request: Please take time out to write a comment.


Non-Punitive: Non- punishing. This will be evident when we get ourselves to be conscious of our internal dialogues. What man. How did you make this mistake. This dialogue comes from an Punitive internal Parent. Doesn't matter. There is always another time. This dialogue comes from a Permissive internal Parent.

Acquiescent: Reluctantly agreeing without revolt.

Characterological: Related to character.

Dysfunctional: Unhealthy.


  1. Short crisp very effective message. Need to implement on self to improve.
    Thank you.

  2. Dear Ajit - I appreciate your blog. You have studied TA extensively, connected all subjects, summarized it, which can be considered as a better version than available in TA books, which is like a taste food. I am happy to have you as a friend and you are sharing your valuable knowledge. Thanks Ajit Dr Paulose Arimbur, Transactional Analyst.


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