Cybernetics and its role in Script Goal Formation

Cybernetics and Script

Abstract: Script payoff is one of seven items that constitute the script apparatus and one of three script's controls. (Berne E. What Do You Say After You Say Hello - Chapter 3). The course, flow, method, mode, pace, events are determined by the script payoff. The script payoff is therefore the script goal. Script goal is cybernetic. How script goal is decided is best understood by knowing second order cybernetics. The topics of cybernetics is covered in this blog.

Cybernetics: We used mechanical alarm clocks in times long past. We set the alarm a day earlier. This setting was done by switching and adjusting the alarm time. The alarm would ring at the set time. This explains the concept of cybernetics.  The set time determines the event of alarm. Cybernetics became part of switching and programming with the advent of electronics. It became widely used in designing military hardware. An excellent example is a homing torpedo or missile. The projectile homes on the target despite many variables like water / air currents, obstacles affecting its course. The system controls direction, speed, angle and intensity of impact. Alongside this, psychologists became interested in cybernetics. In today's time Artificial Intelligence uses harvested data in new ways for conducting other activity such as posting advertisements, making offers and inviting people to programmes. 

Script and Cybernetics: Script is based on script decision. I will be a pilot flying military planes. I will have many medals shining on my chest. I will bring respect and recognition to my family. Such decisions are not made deliberately but in a contributing manner. I recall watching an aero-show at Marine Drive in Mumbai in my early childhood. I remember seeing Prince Philip with Queen Elizabeth in Mumbai in 1961. I had great admiration for an uncle who was a decorated airman in the Indian Air Force, another uncle was General Manager of Indian Airlines and for a friend of my father who was a General Manager in Burma Shell Oil among many other. I can put these together to answer why and how I occupied positions of respect and being recipient of awards. Script decisions structure a life goal. Life goal steer the course, direction, speed and events of our life much the same way as homing-systems do in military hardware or Artificial Intelligence in modern times. Eric Berne has touched upon this topic in his 1953 article - Concerning the Nature of Communication. There he goes a step further. He says that while in the field of communication, 'noise' adversely affects the content and nature of communication, 'noise' enhances the content and nature of communication in human beings. Noise communicates more than the content of communication. As an example a smile, facial expression, stance and posture, gesture and intent changes the very meaning of any communication. Berne elaborates that every statement has syntactic and pragmatic content. However, it communicates semiotically - that is by given meaning instead of the intended meaning. The word meaning is significant in matter of script decision. Please see this link to know more: What the word 'meaning' refers to. A statement such as "it is 1 o'clock" said by a wife to her husband may mean 'it is time for lunch', while the same statement said by a colleague may mean 'we have to leave for the meeting' and said by friend may mean 'you are keeping me waiting'. Berne writes in the essay (marginally altered here) that (1) the notion of a 'precise message' is psychologically inconceivable in the context of interpersonal communication, (2) the amount of psychological information increases than decreases with increasing 'intense' noise and (3) human beings seem to 'call successfully on the future to influence the past' in their interpersonal communications.  To these I add dysfunctional thinking for which see: Ten Dysfunctional Thinking Patterns and what Berne calls 'Earthian Thinking' (Berne E. What Do You Say After You Say Hello - Chapter Six Section B 'Thinking Martian').

Thus cybernetics contributes in several ways in constructing the script goal, its role and influence in the life of every person. 

This is a blog by:
Ajit Karve

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