Five Contributory Factors that go to generate Script - A Convincing Attitude

Understanding Script

Abstract: The last of the five contributory factors, namely 'A Convincing Attitude’, is explained.

Berne mentions five contributing factors that go to generate script  -  (1) Parental directives (2) A suitable personality development  (3) A childhood decision (4) A real turn-on to a particular method of success or failure and (5) A convincing attitude or a credible stance . (Berne E. What Do You Say After You Say Hello - Chapter 3) The first four topics have been covered in previous blogs (click here for links : Parental Directives, A Suitable Personality DevelopmentChildhood Decision and A Real Turn-on.)The fifth contributory factor - 'A Convincing  Attitude' is now explained.

The term 'Convincing Attitude' seems to mean a settled orientation, conclusion and stance. By adopting a convincing attitude the child has come to a conclude its life plan in a defining way.

We usually believe that esteem is always empowering. There is a negatively empowering esteem. Esteem means pride and admiration. These two attributes may apply for opinions, feelings and conclusions that are defeating and denying empowerment. It appears that Berne has used the term 'convincing attitude' in this sense, a straight meaning. Some of the childhood conclusions about oneself elaborated in the twelve injunctions apply here. They are:

Don't Exist                    :      I do not have right to exist.

Don't Think                   :      I do not have capacity to think

Don't Feel                      :      I have no capacity to feel

Don't be Well (Sane)     :      I have no capacity to be sane

Don't be You                  :     I have no reason to enjoy my sexuality

Don't Succeed                :     I have no capacity to succeed or make it

Don't be Important         :     I am incapable of being noticed

Don't be close                 :     I should keep away from others

Don't be child                  :    I need to take up responsibilities

Don't grow up                 :    I need to retain my childishness

Don't Belong                   :   I am nobody, I belong to no one,
                                             I am born an orphan

The attitude, the stance is therefore self denying, crippling and incapacitating. As yet the affected person believes it is his / her fate or destiny to live life in a given way much to his own detriment or though it is damaging.

Therefore the convincing attitude or credible stance is to be taken as a concluded opinion about one's endowments and entitlements in a limiting way.

With this we come to conclude the five aspects that go to generate script. 

This is a blog by:
Ajit Karve


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