TA in Pills 1-1.1 What is Transactional Analysis 1

What is Transactional Analysis

Transactional Analysis was developed by its founder Eric Berne (Click Here) in 1957 as a theory  affording individual and social psychiatry. It was used by him and his associates for effecting treatment of persons affected by mental, emotional, behavioural and characterological problems. Its use and relevance has changed over these past sixty years to find application in almost every area of life and field of human activity. 

Today, Transactional Analysis is defined as a school of social psychology (Click Here). Transactional Analysis helps to build a strong, robust, effective 'values' based personality, a personality  that is efficient and effective in dealing with problems of life, one that helps us to live our life happily and peacefully in a stress free manner. Personality according to me is the manner in which our psychic structures organise themselves spontaneously to generate responses to reality situations. 

I compare Transactional Analysis  to a large diameter well filled with water to the brim. I see close to 300 people from different walks of life drawing water from this well. I classify them into three categories. The first category is of those who learn it to have a certifying degree. The second category is of those who learn it to get others to apply it. In this category I would include clinical practitioners, coaching practitioners, trainers and mentors to name a few. The third category is of those who learn it to put it to use themselves. These according to me are the practitioners. People of this third category use it for six purposes. They are:

  1. Personal Growth
  2. Personal Development
  3. Personal Effectiveness
  4. Personal Transformation
  5. For becoming successful and accomplished in life
  6. Personality Development
  • Professional Development
My blogs (Click Here) are written to serve the needs and interests of people from the third category.

A theory such as TA is, is a boon and should be learnt by each and every person on this planet.

Note: Any and everything that affects us is a reality. Reality generates reality situations. We ourselves and people, things and events in the environment generate such reality situations. A process of manipulation thereby results. Therefore everyone without exception is facing challenging situations day in and day out. There are three ways in which people respond to such situations. One is a loaded subjective response. The other is a loaded objective response. The third is doing nothing. Subjective responses are largely opinionated and judgemental. Objective responses are head heavy responses without a heart. TA advocates checking out the subjective responses on the touchstone of objective reality. By doing this we can end situations, solve problems, overcome difficulties, face challenges and conflicts sanely, safely, effectively and with the goal of generating win-wins. Therefore, we are able to live our life in such a way that we do not regret what we do, when we examine our actions in retrospect.

This blog comes from Ajit Karve from Pune. I am a qualified TA Practitioner. I specialise in using TA for personal growth, personal development, personal effectiveness and for transformational change. I can be reached on WhatsApp by writing to +917498419787 or to  ajitpkarve@gmail.com or taforyouandme@gmail.com

A request: Please take time out to write a comment.


* regurgitating: action similar to animals chewing the cud.

* autistic: in the nature of harming oneself or harming another or giving back or waiting for better time to take action and similar.



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